Providing Protection

For Greenhouse Efficiency

Shade Paints, Shade Paint Removers & Cleaner for Greenhouse Efficiency

Manufacturer of Greenhouse Shading in Central Florida

We Five, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and distributor of top-of-the-line greenhouse shading agents and chemicals. Our products ensure optimal temperature and performance in your greenhouse all year round, facilitating stable crop production throughout the growing season.

We provide a dependable supply source for a diverse pool of crop dealers, growers, and turf managers in Central Florida. Explore the website to learn more about our products and reach out to us with your questions and feedback.

We Five Inc a Division of Seele Chem Inc
We Five Inc a Division of Seele Chem Inc

What We Offer

Achieve a more efficient greenhouse during the hot summer months and have more light in winter with our complete range of shade paints and removers. Our shading agents control the incidence of natural light and are highly efficient in reflecting heat and light, helping you maintain the perfect climate required for maximum yield during every season.



Why Choose Us

We pride ourselves on being a reliable, fast-growing, and competitive manufacturer/distributor of high-quality greenhouse supplies. We can provide you with the perfect agents tailored to your local climate and crop requirements. We uphold a strong reputation for customer service and believe your success automatically translates into ours.